Buy crypto easily with a credit or debit card or a bank transfer
Sell crypto instantly and withdraw EUR to your bank account
Buy crypto easily with a credit or debit card or a bank transfer
Send crypto to your friends and family around the world. If you're both using Stabit, it's free
Crypto & Fiat wallet
Manage more than 35 crypto and 3 fiat assets with a wallet that offers everything you need.

Stabit is your one-stop cryptocurrency payment solution.

Stabit is your one-stop cryptocurrency payment solution.

Stabit is your one-stop cryptocurrency payment solution.

Stabit is your one-stop cryptocurrency payment solution.
Meet our Stabit products
Manage more than 35 crypto and 3 fiat assets with a wallet that offers everything you need.

Pay offline and withdraw cash from ATMs worldwide

An instant virtual card to pay online anywhere

Stabit is your one-stop cryptocurrency payment solution.

Stabit is your one-stop cryptocurrency payment solution.